Our Network & Beliefs
Beacon assists a growing network of house churches in the Midwest.
In this section, you can learn a little more about the values and convictions we’ve come to about Biblical house churches and how they should operate, what leadership can look like, and what ingredients are needed to get a house church started.
It isn’t necessary for you to agree with us on everything in order for us to walk together, but we’d love to get together over a coffee and start a dialogue.
You can also hear some stories about how the move to house church is impacting our brothers and sisters, and the role Beacon has played.
What do we do with the kids? Should we take an offering? We’ve thought through these things! Learn a little about practicalities on our logistics page.
Get to know the people looking after us.
Have a look through our FAQs.
If you want to discuss anything you’ve seen, or if you have other questions, let’s chat!